Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pooch is gone, but hasn't forgotten

Sadly, Pooch bolted for greener pastures recently -- to be nearer to his beloved Chili's and Bennigan's. But he hasn't forgotten all of the little people:

[3:08:52 PM] iaco: hey macos users...what's your terminal of choice?
[3:09:18 PM] claw: i just use the built in one
[3:09:40 PM] claw: u on a mac now?
[3:10:56 PM] nicfit: iaco, have you tied iterm2
[3:12:40 PM] baron: my terminal of choice is linux + terminator.
[3:13:20 PM] nicfit: +1 for terminator, which is why I suggest iterm2. seems similar in feature set
[3:13:40 PM] iaco: i haven't yet. sounds like something to check out. the default term on this kind of sucks.
[3:13:54 PM] fonblet: I just use Terminal.
[3:14:00 PM] iaco: and yes claw, i'm part of the dark side now
[3:14:05 PM] fonblet: i'm not sure where it's lacking...
[3:14:08 PM] baron: iterm2 is purdy, the guy who wrote it goes way fucking anal in the text rendering, but I used to have a lot of problems with its actual terminal emulation
[3:14:12 PM] fonblet: I know a lot of folks like iTerm
[3:14:12 PM] iaco: it's so slow
[3:14:20 PM] fonblet: slow?
[3:14:26 PM] claw: yeah, iTerm is the other one, but i think that was mostly to get the tabs
[3:14:47 PM] fonblet: the standard term has tabs these days.
[3:14:48 PM] iaco: yeah, it's ridiculous, the cursor takes seconds to move 80 characters
[3:14:55 PM] claw: right
[3:16:05 PM] fonblet: it's not terminal that's your issue.
[3:16:45 PM] claw: iaco, are you a maverick?!
[3:17:09 PM] fonblet: SysPrefs -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Tab -> Key Repeat, Delay Until Repeat
[3:18:31 PM] iaco: nice, i knew you mac gurus would help
[3:19:06 PM] nicfit: MacOS, where we default to slow
[3:19:38 PM] claw: you should check mac-wiki iaco
[3:19:42 PM] fonblet: lulz
[3:21:34 PM] iaco: the google has answered every question really, just thought to ask here
[3:23:06 PM] nickönöv: thanks for making us feel important, Pooch!